Sometimes, retellings are better than the original – Anna K.

I’ll admit that I’ve never read or watch Anna Karenina but sometimes some books/movies are so ingrained in our society that we don’t have to have read or watched them to know what they’re about and read a retelling of them. So I thought maybe this YA retelling of Anna Karenina might motivate me to read the original and maybe watch the movie. BUT LET ME TELL YOU NOW, THAT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

Taking down the patriarchy – The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly

I’d been wanting to read this one for awhile, mostly because I miss going to Renaissance Fairs. It was always fun to walk around and see everyone in costumes and watch the jousting shows. I always thought it kinda funny when the knights have their swordplay moment during the shows, the actors would have fake blood packets they would squirt when they were “stabbed” by their opponent. Sometimes, when the knight went in for the kill, there would be a blood packet on the ground that was basically a mini-blood fountain. You know, to make it look realistic that someone got stabbed. So reading this brought back all those great memories.